Sains Malaysiana 53(7)(2024): 1525-1532


Inhibition of Pre-Emergent Herbicide on Weedy Rice under Flooded and Saturated Soil Conditions in Rice

(Perencatan Racun Rumpai Pra-Cambah pada Padi Angin di bawah Keadaan Banjir dan Tanah Tepu pada Padi)




1Rice Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), MARDI Seberang Perai, 13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

2Agrobiodiversity and Environmental Research Centre, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), MARDI Seberang Perai, 13200 Kepala Batas, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia

2Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Perlis Branch, Arau Campus, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia


Received: 18 August 2023/Accepted: 4 June 2024



Weedy rice poses a formidable challenge in rice cultivation due to its genetic similarity to cultivated rice, making selective herbicides less effective in controlling it without causing harm to the cultivated rice. The potential use of pre-emergent herbicides before rice sowing to inhibit emergence and growth of weedy rice seedlings in the soil remain unknown. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the responses of weedy rice towards selected pre-emergent herbicides under different soil water conditions and to identify the optimal timing for rice seed sowing following the application of pre-emergent herbicide to the soil under glasshouse conditions. The results showed that oxadiazon and pretilachlor at 500 g ai ha-1 exhibited higher reductions in weedy rice density and dry weight compared to those given by pendimethalin. Under saturated soil conditions, oxadiazon demonstrated 79 and 80% reductions whereas pretilachlor gave 50 and 59% reductions in weedy rice density and dry weight, respectively. By contrast, under flooded soil conditions both oxadiazon and pretilachlor resulted in complete inhibition of weedy rice. The study showed that delaying rice seed sowing for at least six days after application of pretilachlor or oxadiazon effectively minimized phytotoxic effects on rice. These findings provide valuable insights on the impact of soil water conditions when applying pretilachlor and oxadiazon for effective weedy rice control in direct-seeded rice systems.


Keywords: Direct seeded rice; land preparation; oxadiazon; pendimethalin; pretilachlor; weedy rice



Padi angin mengundang cabaran yang hebat dalam penanaman padi kerana persamaan genetik dengan padi yang ditanam, menjadikan sesetengah racun rumpai kurang berkesan dalam mengawalnya tanpa mencederakan padi yang ditanam. Potensi penggunaan racun rumpai pra-cambah sebelum menanam padi untuk menyekat percambahan dan pertumbuhan biji benih padi angin di dalam tanah masih tidak diketahui. Penyelidikan ini mengkaji potensi penggunaan beberapa racun rumpai pra-cambah pada kadar dan keadaan air tanah yang berbeza untuk mengawal padi angin. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa oksadiazon dan pretilachlor pada 500 g ai ha-1 menunjukkan perencatan yang lebih tinggi dalam kepadatan dan berat kering padi angin berbanding dengan rawatan pendimetalin. Di bawah keadaan tanah air tepu, oksadiazon mencatat 79 dan 80% perencatan manakala pretilachlor mencatat 50 dan 59% perencatan masing-masing dalam kepadatan dan berat kering padi angin. Sebagai perbandingan, di bawah keadaan tanah air takung, kedua-duaoksadiazon dan pretilachlor merencat sepenuhnya pertumbuhan padi angin. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa menangguhkan taburan biji benih padi sekurang-kurangnya enam hari selepas aplikasi pretilachlor atauoksadiazon akan mengurangkan kesan fitotoksik padi. Hasil kajian ini memberikan maklumatpenting mengenai kesan keadaan air tanah semasamengaplikasi pretilachlor dan oksadiazon untuk kawalan padi angin yang berkesan dalam sistem padi tabur terus.


Kata kunci: Oksadiazon; padi angin; padi tabur terus; pendimetalin; penyediaan tanah; pretilachlor



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